E-EYE: The Ultimate Cure for Dry Eyes Syndrome

Dry eye syndrome is caused by a chronic lack of sufficient lubrication and moisture on the surface of the eye. Consequences of dry eyes range from subtle but constant eye irritation to significant inflammation and even scarring of the front surface of the eye.


In addition to being called dry eye syndrome, dry eye disease, or simply "dry eye," alternative medical terms used to describe dry eyes include:

  • Keratitis sicca. Generally used to describe dryness and inflammation of the cornea.
  • Keratoconjunctivitis sicca. Used to describe dry eye that affects both the cornea and the conjunctiva.
  • Dysfunctional tear syndrome. Used to emphasize that inadequate quality of tears can be just as important as inadequate quantity.
Dry eyes can become red and irritated, causing a feeling of scratchiness.

Prevalence Of Dry Eye

Dry eyes are very common, and dry eye syndrome is a major reason for visits to the eye doctor. 

Also, results from a 2012 Gallup poll show that more than 26 million Americans suffer from dry eyes, and this number is expected to increase to more than 29 million within 10 years.

Other sources estimate that nearly five million Americans age 50 and older have clinically significant dry eye syndrome, and dry eyes affect nearly twice as many women as men.

Dry Eye Symptoms

Symptoms of dry eyes and dry eye syndrome include:

  • Burning sensation
  • itchy eyes
  • Aching sensations
  • Heavy eyes
  • Fatigued eyes
  • Sore eyes
  • Dryness sensation
  • Red eyes
  • Photophobia (light sensitivity)
  • Blurred vision
More than half a million Hongkongers suffer from dry-eye syndrome, yet there is a lack of awareness and knowledge of treatment options, an expert from the University of Hong Kong says.
The disease occurs when there is insufficient moisture on the eye surface. Symptoms include blurred vision, burning, itchiness and inflammation.
Sufferers can also find it difficult to perform activities such as using a computer and reading for a prolonged time and, if untreated, the disease can lead to pain, scars on the cornea and some loss of vision. Many of those affected regularly use eye drops and gel.

Introduced as one of the best French innovations at OMDA 2013 in Brisbane and SILMO 2013 Expo in Paris, the E>Eye Medical Grade IPL device is the first and only Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) device in the world, specifically designed for the treatment of dry eye syndrome due to the Meibomian Glands Dysfunction (MDG). 

Stimulation of Meibomian glands

About 80 Meibomian cells are located on the upper and lower eyelids. These cells produce a lipid called meibum which is a fat phase. Its role is to avoid the tears evaporation, adapting the tears to the irregularities of the eye surface and adapting a perfectly convex dioptre.

Applying four specific pulses with the E>Eye IPL from the external canthus to the internal canthus will, by innervation, stimulate and block the Meibomian glands which will return to their normal functions.
As a result the dry lipid layer will have a natural flow of lipid and the tears evaporation will be reduced, stopping the eyes to get dry.


The benefits are multiple: It improves the comfort of wearing contact lenses, reliefs pain from watching computers and other screens, reduces redness of the eye, etc…

To book your complimentary consultation with our experts, please fill in our secure online appointment request form below or contact the CLINIC today by calling +852 2538 8868. 

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